Sunday, 5 February 2012

Anti-Cellulite ( Spain )

Perfect combination of active ingredients to combat cellulite

Stimulating microcirculation that helps cellulite treatment 

The liposome anticellulitic solution is a PRO-LIPOSOME manufactured by "multi-extrution"proven anticellulitic extracts, combined with a sinergetic effect as a tripeptid.The formula proliposomal gurantees the formation of liposomes once mixed as the final preparation.

The liposome anticellulitic solution has the following active ingredients:

CAFFEINE:it has a lipolytic effect by blocking the enzimes responsable of destruction of AMPc,related to degradation of triglycerides.It also has a vascular properties increasing the blood flow.Lipolytic and venotonic effect.

RUSCUS ACUELATUS EXTRACT.basically acts at the microcirculation by decreasing the capilar permeability due to its flavomoide component called rutina.

TEA HYODROIODIDE:derivated from Iodine .Has lipolytic properties by estimulating the lipasas enzimes responsables of triglycerides degradation at the adipocites.

IVY EXTRACT:protects the vessels decreasing its permeability.The hederin contributes to the reabsortion of edema present in first stage of cellulite.

L-CARNITINE:maximize the movility of triglycerides ,acelerating its metabolization.

ESCIN:is a venotonic and antiedema ingredient.

GHK PEPTIDE:acts as an specific purificatior to certain subproducts from the lipidic peroxidation,such as unsaturated aldehydes.The capture of these subproducts increases the effectivioty of the anticellulitic components.

Eliminates cellulite and prevents formation of new adipocytes,due to its potent lipolytic activity,its marked microcirculatory action and the inhibition of adipocyte maturation process.

Liposomic formulation increases the penetration of caffeine for 5 times as well as 8 time in the case of Escin .





RUSCUS ACUELATUS EXTRACT.basically行为减少由于flavomoide组件称为若缇娜capilar通透性改善微循环

HYODROIODIDE衍生化estimulating adipocites lipasas enzimesresponsables甘油三酯的降解分解脂肪的属性

常春藤精华保护血管降低其permeability.The hederin有助于水肿reabsortion目前第一阶段橘皮

L -肉碱甘油三酯movility最大化acelerating代谢

七叶皂甙venotonic antiedema成分

GHK肽:作为一个特定purificatior脂质过氧化反应某些子产品行为,如不饱和aldehydes.The捕获这些子产品增加effectivioty anticellulitic组件

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