Liponsaure is a brand name of a compounded item that is injected into localized fat deposits around the body with the intent to dissolve and release them. Stimulates and releases insulin to burn fat. The procedure itself is usually called Lipo-dissolve and is offered by weight loss and cosmetic surgery clinics. The procedure is intended to be less invasive and painful than liposuction, where fat deposits are physically pulled out of the body through incisions. The fat deposits dissolve over the course of several treatments. Some have experience weight reduction on the second treatment. It is thought that the dissolved fat is excreted with feces and urine, but there appears to be no clinical proof of how the procedure works and what happens to the fat.
Liponsaure creates more insulin activity thus converting fats into energy to be burned away with increase of the insulin activity it also transfers more fats in the bloodstream. That is why the presence of liponsaure is welcome in the bloodstream and best to be given IV, direct into the blood. Liponsaure and other lipo-dissolve “drugs” are a combination of phosphatidylcholine and deoxycholate (PCDC). PC is a soy-based compound that occurs naturally in human cells. DC is bile salt produced by the liver. DC helps to keep PC in solution so as not to separate. Because PCDC is put together or compounded by different pharmacists, who sometimes include other ingredients in the mix, the ratio of the two substances can be different.
IV, IM or Sub-Q (SubCutaneous)
Most of Reaction:
Phosphatidylcholine has the ability to alter the cholesterol and other fatty acids. It increase the solubility of dat and its deposits. This PC penetrates skin layer and emulsifies the fat underneath, making them more soluble to water.
Dosage Recommended:
IV / IM : 1 ampoule every week.
Sub-Q : Each ampoule divided into few portions for different parts of the body.
Packing : 10 ampoules x 5ml
Made In Germany
Liponsaure创造更多的胰岛素的活性,从而将脂肪转化为能量被烧掉活动也将更多的脂肪在血液中的胰岛素增加。这是为什么的存在的liponsaure是血液中的欢迎和最佳静脉注射直接进入血液。 Liponsaure和其他脂质溶解“药物”是卵磷脂和脱氧胆酸钠(PCDC)的组合。 PC是一种大豆为基础的化合物,在人类细胞中自然发生的。 DC是由肝脏产生的胆汁盐。直流有助于保持在溶液中的PC,以便不分离。由于费城华埠发展会放在一起或混合不同的药剂师,有时还包括其他成分的混合,这两种物质的比例是不同的。
磷脂酰胆碱的有能力改变胆固醇和其它脂肪酸。它的溶解度增加dat和存款。 PC穿透皮肤层和乳化脂肪下,使他们更溶于水。
IV / IM:每周1安瓿。
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